Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Preventing Injury of the Sacroiliac Joint

baddha konasanaMy Yoga Online - Many yoga participants have had to endure the pain of sacroiliac disfunction and injury due to improper approaches to forward bending yoga poses. Dr. Robin Armstrong has posted a new article, Asana Anatomy-The Sacroiliac Joint, which discusses the anatomical processes in some forward bends that cause sacroiliac joint problems.

By bringing awareness to the cause of these injuries, this yoga anatomy article also offers simple, but effective tips and applications to prevent sacroiliac injuries in these yoga poses.

This is a must-read for all yoga participants regardless of level as sacroiliac injury can occur at any point of one's yoga practice.

"Poses like prasarita padottanasana (wide legged forward bend), baddha konasana (bound angle pose), and upavishta konasana (seated wide legged forward bend) can be a concern for people with a history of SI joint pain, and can predispose the SI joint to injury.

Wide legged yoga poses can be an excellent way to open the muscles of the groin, bring awareness to our root chakra, and release tension in the hamstrings. Much like any asana, when we proceed without being fully present and engaged - physically and mentally- we are at risk for injury. If we are mindful about engaging the muscles that support the SI joints, we are more likely to enjoy a wide legged practice that is safe and pain free."

Read full article.

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