Yoga For Our Planet
A Risk We Should Not Be Taking
Saturday, September 27th, 1-4pm
At the Semperviva City Centre Yoga Studio
#100 - 1985 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C.
Fee: $12 - Net Proceeds go to the David Suzuki Foundation
What is really going on with our environment? What do the scientists say is happening versus what the media and our politicians say? Is there a real problem or not? Should we be doing something about it or not? What kind of a world are we creating for our children? If we should be doing something for their sake, what should we do? Ancient Yoga traditions have many teaching on how we can live in balance with our environment. These traditions can be applied to the environmental challenge facing us today.
Come hear Bernie Clark present the current scientific understanding of Global Climate Change and hear how our Yoga practice can help us make a big difference in what is happening to our planet. Learn the 3 Big Easy things you can do to make this difference! This presentation will be of interest to anyone, yogi or not, who is living on our planet, so bring a friend (or two... or more!)
Bernie Clark, in addition to being a Yoga teacher, is also an Executive Vice-President of Canada's oldest and largest space company. He has a bachelor of science degree from the University of Waterloo and has decades of experience in the field of remote sensing, a discipline that monitors changes on the earth from air and space.
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