My Yoga Online is happy to introduce a new article by Ranka Burzan, specialist in organizing, titled:
How Organized Is Your Home. This new healthy living article offers great tips in generating positive energy and flow in your home through practical organization.

Have you ever heard this phrase or perhaps you have said it yourself, “I really have to get organized, one of these days”. One of these days may never come. As with everything else in our lives our power is in this present moment. The ancient Chinese proverb, "A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind" rings true for many of us. It has been said that the majority of us lose at least one hour a day looking for the things we need and spend 20 percent of our annual budget buying things we need to replace things we lost.
According to experts, organizing is a very simple and learnable skill. Yet, according to the National Association for Professional Organizers (NAPO), only 25% of the population is organized. The rest of us struggle to some degree with disorganization and clutter in our home and work place.
If organizing is simple and learnable what prevents us from being organized? It is helpful to ask ourselves, is the physical clutter in our home just that: physical? Or perhaps it is closely related to emotional and spiritual clutter; not being able to part with stuff, holding on to memories and relationships that don’t work for us anymore, all prevent us from growing emotionally and spiritually.
CLICK HERE to read full article.
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