My Yoga Online - Enjoy our latest Yoga article by Vijai Sharma (PhD, RYT, Yoga Therapist) titled
Yoga Breathing for Health: Breathe Slowly, Exhale Fully. Dr Sharma presents sixteen ways to slow breathing and lengthen exhalation. This Yoga article workshop is an excellent exploration for Yoga participants wishing to deepen their physical and mental practice. This article offers inspiring pranayama (breathing exercises) for Yoga teachers to incorporate into their teaching programs.
Almost everyone including people with asthma or COPD (Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Breathing) can benefit from breathing slowly and exhaling more completely. Benefits of slow breathing and longer exhalation are many. To wit: Greater control over breathing; reduction in shortness of breath and breathing discomfort; increase in physical and mental relaxation; relaxed breathing and more open airways which can transport air in and out more effectively. CLICK HERE to read full article.
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