Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Scoop on Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga pose
My Yoga Online - Hot Yoga has taken the world by storm offering a non-traditional form of practicing Yoga poses. In the Hot Yoga practice, elevated room temperature is meant to be beneficial in breaking down tissue blockages more readily and stimulating the release of toxins. But is this elevation in room and body temperature healthy and suitable for everyone?

There is much argument and criticism from the scientific community stating many logical reasons as to why Hot Yoga presents contraindications and health risks:
*inflated body temperature can create a false sense of laxity (joint flexibility) resulting in over stretching and tissue damage
*high body temperatures can generate hyperthermia states resulting in nausea, light headedness, and fainting
*excessive sweating can lead to dehydration that, without proper rehydration, can adversely affect cellular metabolism
*highly elevated body temperature and dehydration can lead to increased heart rate (compensation in delivering adequate blood flow) which can further lead to increased blood pressure - for those already dealing with high blood pressure, one could move into contraindicated states of blood pressure and circulatory issues.


Focus on Back Bending Yoga with Nico Luce

My Yoga Online - Check out this sample of Nico Luce's Back Bending With Grace Yoga Class. It can be viewed and practiced in its entirety in our Yoga Classes section for our members.

Not a member yet? Learn More about My Yoga Online now...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Upward Facing Dog Pose In-Depth

Upward Facing Dog poseDr. Robin Armstrong offers a new article on Upward Facing Dog pose. She dissects Upward Facing Dog pose providing a wealth of alignment and safety tips so this Yoga back-arch is performed with integrity and enjoyment.

"Our animal friends are a wonderful study in the fluidity of yoga. It is no coincidence that when a dog wakes from a nap, he can be seen moving slowly through upward dog and downward dog and casually walk away satisfied. The family pet makes urdhva mukha svanasana, or upward facing dog, look simple, and we can embody this ease when we too practice the pose." Click Here to read more of this article.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

All About Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog poseIf you have ever taken an Ashtanga or vinyasa flow class, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward Facing Dog, is no stranger to you. Downward Facing Dog is a fundamental yoga asana, but a surprisingly complex one. As my teacher recently joked, “If I hear one more instructor say the phrase - ‘ Downward Facing Dog is a resting pose’- I’ll shoot them!” Nothing is more daunting to a student on their 5th or 6th or 7th Downward Facing Dog to learn that they are supposed to be resting in this complicated pose. Learning about the anatomy of the pose can help us find a little more ease in the mystery that is Downward Facing Dog.

Click Here to read more from Dr. Robin Armstrong's article about the foundational cues that create a Downward Facing Dog full of integrity and benefits. Feel welcome to also send a message to Dr. Robin Armstrong by submitting your comment below.

Eating Healthy: Chocolate Nutty Spread

chocolate nutty spreadThis easy recipe by Farah Nazarali offers a healthy, delicious and functional treat using raw cacao. Chocolate is one of the most complex foods known to us on this planet. With over 300 compounds, including zinc, magnesium, essentially fatty acids, and anti-oxidants, it's no surprise that civilizations past revered chocolate. Chocolate has more anti-oxidants than green tea or red wine,
but milk and milk ingredients inhibit the absorption of its anti-oxidants which is why dark chocolate is mentioned now in many health journals. Click Here to enjoy this recipe.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Relaunches with New Full-Screen Video Streams has re-launched its website with improved Flash Streaming Video technology. The latest version of Flash Streaming Video not only improves the picture quality of’s video lessons, but also the speed and ease of use for PC and Mac formats. The new enhancements at ensure that all videos stream in full screen near DVD quality at DSL and cable accessible speeds on all web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari.


Sample Video

Yardwork and Air Pollution

With the days getting longer, many homeowners thoughts turn to the work that waits in their yards. Many people associate air pollution with cars, airplanes, energy-producing facilities, and other large fuel consumers. The small engines used in lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, chain saws, and leaf blowers, however, represent a significant source of air pollutants.

Indeed, most small engines emit high levels of carbon monoxide (CO), a colorless, odorless, poisonous gas. In addition to CO, small engines emit ozone-forming hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Ground-level ozone impairs lung function and contributes to smog formation. According to the Government of Canada, a gasoline-powered lawn mower emits about 48 kilograms of greenhouse gases in one season.

There are ways to help clean the air while maintaining your yard. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Avoid Spills and Overfilling

· Spilling gas and overfilling the tank allow for gas to evaporate

· With evaporation, hydrocarbons are released into the atmosphere

Maintain Equipment

· Change oil and clean or replace air filters regularly

· Use the proper fuel/oil mixture in two-stroke equipment

· Keep blades sharp to improve fuel efficiency

Use Manual Tools:


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Banking Made Green

Green BankingThe change in lifestyle required to bring society to a more sustainable state for the environment often feels like an overwhelming task, but in fact, small adjustments and simple acts of awareness can collectively contribute to vast changes and improvements. Some of these small, easy changes can be applied to how we conduct banking tasks and transactions.

How often do people go to a bank machine, withdraw a few $20 bills, and then select to view their account balance? They view their paper statement and then toss it in the garbage. This action occurs daily by millions of people resulting in a massive waste of paper and energy.

Make Your Banking More Green