Bring enhanced mobility into the core and spine with this warming yoga practice. With emphasis on the hips and pelvis, enjoy releasing energy and tension out of the lower back. Slow transitions and extended holds in asanas encourage a calming of the mind and nervous system as the body expands.
View a free online video sample of Core Fluidity Hatha Yoga Class
Kreg offers variations for those practicing at more gentle or beginner level in their yoga practice. An extended relaxation completes this yoga class allowing for a full settling of energy and intention.
About Kreg Weiss: Kreg is the co-founder of My Yoga Online and is a certified Hatha Yoga Teacher. Kreg enjoys applying his knowledge and experience in Kinesiology and exercise science in his teachings while also offering a personalized perspective of how the physicality of Yoga can be joyfully grounded and combined with a holistic, internalization to the Inner Teacher and Self.
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