My Yoga Online has posted a new Yoga workshop video with Jesse Enright,
Hinging at the Kidneys. This Yoga Tips looks that the important aspects of retaining safety in your Yoga flows when bringing motion into the lower spine.

Without proper alignment, the mid-lower back (where the kidneys are located and the mid spine meets the lower or lumbar spine), the vertebrae and discs can easily become compressed when we move without awareness. In this mini workshop we learn key points in maintaining the health and integrity of this important area of the body.
CLICK HERE to enjoy a sample of this yoga video.Jesse Enright has been a student of Yoga for eleven years and an instructor for the past nine. He began his studies with Sivananda Yoga before exploring the more dynamic Ashtanga Vinyasa, the detailed alignment of Iyengar and the comprehensive intelligence of Vijnana Yoga.
Other Yoga Video Workshops by Jesse Enright:Preventing Shoulder Impingement in YogaKnee Torsion in YogaWrist Safety in Yoga
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