Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Preventing Knee Lock in Standing Yoga Postures

Warrior 3 Yoga poseMy Yoga Online - This latest Yoga Anatomy article by Kreg Weiss, Yoga and Preventing Knee Locks, offers awareness in how we can perform certain standing Yoga poses with greater integrity and purpose. More importantly, this mindful application of preventing knee locks promotes a more healing Yoga practice and helps reduce the development of chronic injuries.

"The purpose of Yoga poses is to generate physical vitality so one can proceed through life with positive energy flow and with a holistic connection to what brings balance and harmony. Standing Yoga poses offer these benefits when mindfulness and proper intention is applied. Without mindfulness, some standing Yoga poses present a tendency towards knee locks and hyperextension, which can produce chronic problems in the function and health of the knee joint.

Some people have a greater tendency towards locking the knees as they have joint structures that promote a hyper extended position when the legs straightened. The legs splay backwards almost like a crescent shape. This hyper extended locked knee position tends to generate a passive stance and allows the body weight to transmit heavily into the ligaments, cartilage and posterior connective tissue of the knees. In addition, this hyperextension and internal rotation creates a line of poor body mechanics including the production unwanted anterior pelvic tilt (promoting excessive lordotic spinal positions) and excessive pronation of the foot." Read full article.

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