Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Artificial Sweeteners Exposed

Healthy Sugar SubstitutesMy Yoga Online - Inform yourself of the dangers of consuming artificial sweeteners, such as Aspartame and Saccharin, with our latest nutrition article by Joan Ullyett BA, RHN-Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Find out the history of these dangerous sugar substitutes and discover health, natural alternatives.

Many of us over the age of 30 will remember the Sweet n Low craze that seemed to reach its height in the 1970s. Messages were all around us about the evils of sugar: it caused cavities, made us gain weight, wreaked havoc on blood glucose levels and was simply unhealthy. To the innocent, media-bombarded bystander this seemed a logical enough argument and prompted millions of North Americans to jump on the artificial sweetener bandwagon.

Sweet n Low was the sugar substitute of the day and could be seen on restaurant tabletops everywhere; it tasted virtually the same as sugar with no known unhealthy downside. Thanks to modern science we thought we could finally have our cake and eat it too. Between 1903 and 2002, a handful of artificial sweeteners were introduced to the North American public, each with its own promise of low-calorie, guilt-free goodness.

Click Here to read the entire article.

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